Sobre o Professor

Harry Alberto Bollmann


[email protected]

Sobre o professor

Engenheiro Civil, Mestrado em Engenharia Hidráulica e Saneamento, e Doutorado em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos e Saneamento Ambiental. Professor titular em Engenharia Ambiental, Líder do Grupo Gestão e Tecnologias Ambientais, e leciona no Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental. Participa do LEAD Institute International desde 1994, trabalhando em questões relacionadas ao Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Temas: Metodologias de planejamento ambiental integrado; Monitoramento de recursos hídricos em rios urbanos pequenos; Poluição e qualidade do ar nas cidades; Sustentabilidade urbana; Resiliência urbana com foco em Cidade, Meio Ambiente e Saúde. Contatos: E-mail: [email protected] ResearchGate: Lattes:

Principais Publicações

• Procopiuck, M.; Rosa, A.; Bollman, H.A.; Moura, E.N. (2020). Socially evaluated impacts on a technologically transformed urban river. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 84.
• Barcellos, D.S.; Helwig, K.; Teedon, P.; Posseti, G.; Gervazoni, R.; Bollmann, H.A. (2020). Priority pharmaceutical micropollutants and feasible management initiatives to control water pollution from the perspective of the stakeholders. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, AOP.
• Barcellos, D.S.; Bollmann, H.A.; Azevedo, J.C.R. (2019). Prioritization of pharmaceuticals in urban rivers: the case of oral contraceptives in the Belém River basin, Curitiba / PR, Brazil. Revista Ambiente e Agua, 14(3).
• Pasqual, J.C.; Bollmann, H.A.; Scott, C.; Edwiges, T.; Baptista,t.C. (2018). Assessment of Collective Production of Biomethane from Livestock Waste for Urban Transportation Mobility in Brazil and the United States. Energies, 11(4).
• Pasqual, J. C.; Bollmann, H.A.; Scott, C (2016). Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Background and Perspectives for Braziland the United States by 2050. Journal of AgriculturalScience and Technology B, 6(2).

• Procopiuck, M.; Rosa, A.; Bollman, H.A.; Moura, E.N. (2020). Socially evaluated impacts on a technologically transformed urban river. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 84.
• Barcellos, D.S.; Helwig, K.; Teedon, P.; Posseti, G.; Gervazoni, R.; Bollmann, H.A. (2020). Priority pharmaceutical micropollutants and feasible management initiatives to control water pollution from the perspective of the stakeholders. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, AOP.
• Barcellos, D.S.; Bollmann, H.A.; Azevedo, J.C.R. (2019). Prioritization of pharmaceuticals in urban rivers: the case of oral contraceptives in the Belém River basin, Curitiba / PR, Brazil. Revista Ambiente e Agua, 14(3).
• Pasqual, J.C.; Bollmann, H.A.; Scott, C.; Edwiges, T.; Baptista,t.C. (2018). Assessment of Collective Production of Biomethane from Livestock Waste for Urban Transportation Mobility in Brazil and the United States. Energies, 11(4).
• Pasqual, J. C.; Bollmann, H.A.; Scott, C (2016). Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Background and Perspectives for Braziland the United States by 2050. Journal of AgriculturalScience and Technology B, 6(2).