The PUCPR International Office is the hub for all themes related to international higher education at the university. The office is located at the main administration building of the Curitiba Campus and is made by a team of eleven very enthusiastic specialists, all highly committed to making PUCPR a truly international university. This small but very active team is divided into three Coordinations – Mobility, Education, and International Affairs – and is complemented by 12 International Agents: professors indicated by the Deans of each one of PUCPR’s Schools and campuses and dedicated to acting as liaisons between the central Office for Internationalization and their academic units. The PUCPR International Office is proud to be the entrance of the international community at PUCPR. Count on us for a warm welcome and all necessary support.

Our mission
PUCPR’s Office for Internationalization, aligned with institutional principles, aims to promote and support the internationalization efforts of the university as means to achieve excellence in academia by preparing citizens and professionals in the global community and at all levels: undergraduate, graduate, research, extended learning experiences and innovation. 

Our vision
Promoting PUCPR as a portal that welcomes and projects people, ideas, and cultures in a borderless environment, aiming at citizens and professionals learning experience in the global community.

Our values
Interculturalism – aligned with the history of the Brazilian peoples, which welcomes and integrates different cultures into one, where the culture of tradition is valued and encouraged.
Inclusion – every genuinely internationalization process is inclusive, as it diminishes physical and cultural distances and it embraces everyone into a single global community.
Innovation – ongoing search for creative, innovative and transformative forms of internationalization of the institutions and people involved.
Solidarity at a global level – expansion of the scope of PUCPR’s community solidarity action beyond the university’s borders.

In the main office, we are a team of 12 people passionate about Internationalization, plus 12 Agents for Internationalization representing each PUCPR School and campuses. Get to know who we are:

Prof. Marcelo Mira, Ph.D.

Lídia Kovalski [email protected]
Coordinator for International Mobility

Viviane Martins Mäder – [email protected]
Coordinator for International Affairs

Adriana Mattei [email protected]
Coordinator for International Education

Thais Moreira [email protected]
Incoming Analyst

Lucas Padilha [email protected]
Incoming Analyst

Matheus Santana –  [email protected]
Outgoing Analyst

Patrícia Andrade – [email protected] | [email protected]
Postgraduate and Double Degree/OUT Mobility Analyst

Renata Pires – [email protected]
Analyst for International Cooperation

Ana Luisa Marques [email protected]
International Relations Analyst

Dulcelina Alves [email protected]
Administrative Analyst

Portuguese Language Faculty
Prof. Grace Thiel – [email protected]

Prof. Carlos Augusto Candêo Fontanini
Business School

Prof. Solon Linhares
Law School

Prof. Henri Frederico Eberspacher
Polytechnic School

Prof. Marlos Hardt, Prof. Gustavo Ravaglio, Prof. Miriam Fontoura and Prof. Karlan Muniz
School of Fine Arts

Prof. Jelson Oliveira
School of Education and Humanities

Prof. Cynthia Franca Wolanski Bordin and Prof. Ana Beatriz Costa

School of Medicine and Life Sciences

Prof. Cintia Miyuki Oda
Londrina Campus

Prof. Gustavo Grander
Toledo Campus